Blog de Cymo - un poquito abandonado

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

The tao

Oído por ahí, el Tao de los lenguajes.

The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler.

The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages.

Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao.

But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.


  • Bien come espaldas doc!

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 8:29 a. m.  

  • Vale que evitemos el cobol si podemos, pero... qué hay del Basic?


    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 4:39 p. m.  

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